Monday, January 16, 2012

animal jam treats updated

Animal Jam Treats! *UPDATED*

Heya Jammers!
Sometimes, you might see an animal with a popcorn bag, or fruity drink above their player!
Do you want to have one to?

Well now you can!
Here's how:

For the drink:
Click your map, and go to the Crystal Sands.
Enter the building, Captain Melville's Juice Hut.
Click the game symbol by the counter.
Play the game!

For the popcorn:
Click your map, and go to the Sarepia Forest.
Climb the stairs up the trees and go into the Theater Lobby.
Click the game symbol by the counter.
Play the game!

It's so easy, and costs nothing at all!
Now you can enjoy popcorn while you watch that movie!
Or relax at the beach with a smoothie to cool you off!
I hope I helped!

Also, the AJ HQ helped me to be able to type messages! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! If you want to learn how to do that to, just ask them, and I'm sure they will be as helpful to you as they were to me. Jam on

stone pit suprise!

AJ Stone Pit Suprise!

Heya Jammers!
Remember how I said that when you dance near the Fire pit the crane appears?
Well today I was in the middle of a slumber party when all of the sudden spider-like creatures came flying out of the stone pit sparking and looking angry. They were flashing and glowing purple, and It was very odd.

See? What ARE those one eyed monsters?

Well I went into Club Geoz, and found out they are Phantoms!
...kind of a boring name. But it looks like they are bad!
Why else would you be asked to shoot them from a home made rocket?

You better not make them angry. But I would suggest heading to the Temple of Zios to see it for yourselves!
 Tell me what you discover! Comment!


Colour Changing Potions!

 Heya Jammers!
I bet youve seen jammers in the laboratory with colour changing potions.
Thanks to my good friend HappyDaniel, I now know how - so I will spread the experiment to you!
Go to the Temple of Zios, and then head into the lab.
Click on the game icon.
Click on the red colour 3 times.
Click on the green colour 3 times.
Click on the blue colour 3 times.
Click on the flame under the boiler 3 times.
Then choose any bottle and put your potion in. It will probably look white or grey - 
but when you finish, it will colour change!
By doing this, you get an achievement!
Thank you to HappyDaniel again for telling me this!
Then, I figured out something cool with the bottles! Try making this potion and clicking on the LAST bottle of the three - the one on the right. he potion flows into all three for some reason, and gives you an odd bottle that you cant pick!
Happy Jamming, and Happy Potion-making!

animal jam scam

Animal Jam Game Scam?

Heya Jammers!
Im just here to tell you two things.
1: I did what I said, and went around to EVERY green fact on the island. And the answer is NO. You do NOT get a badge from that. Unless I missed one, which would've had to be indoors for some reason, then the answer is no.
2: Is the drag and drop game a SCAM? For a long time I thought it was. You have to pay 5 gems to win something, and everytime you get nothing...or so I thought.

But now I relize - no it's not!! I actually won twice today. Twice!
The things I won are NOT what it looks like - stuffed animals. you win...random things! Stuff that might not even FIT in that game machine...
and I won something RARE. Have you ever seen this mat available to be bought?

Well I know of purple mats, orange mats and blue mats,
but never did I ever see a PINK mat available.
Now my pillows are happily sitting in my den.
(I won a purple mat the other time)

Cool, huh?
So just to confirm, if you were on my side thinking this game was a scam, it is NOT

new places on the map

Animal Jam New Places on the Map?

Heya Jammers!
Today I looked at the map, and if my thoughts are right, the map can easily tell you some new places we might soon be able to go.
Take a look:

In the red box, it looks like a stone place, filled with rocks, caves, and a murky looking pond.
In the blue circle we have another dirty place with some tall mountain-things.
And in ther pin we have...well...some dirty fields. Great for out-door-sy stuff.

The reason why I'm thinking there places are not just things to fill the rest of the map up are because the paths continue on. Look at each palce...see how there are paths leading every which way? Well I think that means eventually us jammers will be able to wander there.
And look at the place in blue! There is even a big archway  leading into the place!

Again, this is just a thought.
Happy Jamming! Toodles

mira gifts

Heya Jammers!
Today I logged onto AJ and instead of showing the Jammer Spotlight, some huge thing came up saying that Mira, the spirit of Jamaa, is giving us a present everyday until Christmas! Today it was 100 gems! Take a look:
Isn't that cool and sweet? : D
THEN I noticed new clothing!

Sorry but I won't be wearing a beard any time soon...
Plus, of course there are new den items to, and they're BOTH for non-members!

They're really cool - I bought one of each!
But wait! There are more, 3 more in fact...for members...

A pot of gems? Lucky! Free money whenever you want! Hehe!
Err, free gems for...400 gems...
There is a new newspaper to, talking about ZeeVex cards. ZeeVex cards are ways to give friends and family Club Memberships without even needing a credit card! They range in the amount of membership and price, and man, do I want one of those for Christmas!
Plus, for a 425 gem bonus, all we have to do in the 'Guess that Game' contest is naming games! Here we go:
Picture 1: Temple of Trivia!
Picture 2: Double Up!
Picture 3: Mira Says! (The Beat Me game this week, but don't write that in your e-mail!)

That one is easy! So hurry, and send those answers to for the chance to win!
Also, I recently sent a picture I drew on the computer of a monkey to the AJ HQ at but they put up another jammer's made up kind of scary rainbow-ish bird thing. Here is my monkey, but DON'T STEAL:
Also, remember how I said before that if my viewers could get over 10 000 hits (views) before my party, I would have a mini party sometime after? Well I'm happy to say a great thanks to everyone, because you DID! Thanks so much! So watch for the miniature party plans after my Holidays party!

So about the glitch post I made... (scroll down to see it)
Turns out I didn't even need to clear my cache. It just fixed itself! Although - someone tell me - is it supposed to be snowing?
Comment! Happy Jamming, and Happy Jamaalidays

animal jam complete!!


Oh, Heya Jammers!
Yes. The wait is UP!! I have gotten a free club membership for being a beta tester.
The front screen looks different to, take a look:
COOL, eh?
So for members, this is what you get:

So I was looking at the clothing...

Ok...all the clothes with the blue around them are for members ONLY. The clothing items with red signs are what you cannot afford. You will also find these changes in the den furniture catalogue. I think, this is GREAT. There are some new Den items to! Some plants, new wallpapers and floors, and a banner or shield to go on your wall! Even when you are NOT a member, you can still buy clothes, AND furnite items!!!!!!!!!

THEN I went to look at my new Den Designs.

Ok - OLD den, is gone. I don't have that den anymore!!! WHY!!!!
Remember that den???

Two words. This new one, is a Rip. Off. 
This den, has no space for anything - at all.
It is SMALLER, then ONE room of the old dens. NO bride. ONE floor.
And the only other Den you can change to right now is a castle. For DOUBLE this Den's amount of money. It costs 6000 GEMS. Well, I'll tell you how it looks when I'm done my 1 billionth game of Temple of Trivia and I finally have enough...right now I'm at 318. This could take a while.

Also there is a new newspaper.

Also, take a look at your player names when you log on:

See? All non-member names are blue. Members get the gold names!

The word BETA is gone from the sign, and Animal Jam is beta than ever! Get it?
Click here to take a look at the Membership page!

Well, enjoy Jamaa! Happy Jamming